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The Hastur Cycle

13 Tales of Horror Defining Hastur, the King in Yellow, Yuggoth, and the Dread City of Carcosa.

Otras ediciones
La Saga de Hastur 1 opiniones (Español)La Factoría de IdeasNov 20007.008
The Hastur Cycle - Second Revised EditionChaosiumFeb 19971

0Cover for "The Hastur Cycle"Dreyfus
1The Mythology of HasturRobert M. Price
2Haïta the SepherdAmbrose Bierce6.00
3An Inhabitant of CarcosaAmbrose Bierce8.00
4The Repairer of ReputationsRobert W. Chambers8.00
5The Yellow SignRobert W. Chambers9.33
6The River of Night's DreamingKarl Edward Wagner
7More LightJames Blish
8The Novel of the Black SealArthur Machen
9The Whisperer in DarknessH. P. Lovecraft9.50
10Documents in the Case of Elizabeth AkeleyRichard A. Lupoff7.00
11The Mine on Yuggoth 1 opinionesRamsey Campbell5.00
12Planetfall on YuggothJames Wade7.00
13The Return of HasturAugust Derleth4.67
14Black LotusLin Carter
15The UnspeakableLin Carter
16CarcosaLin Carter
17The CandidateLin Carter
18Carcosa Story about HaliLin Carter
19King in Yellow: A Tragedy in VerseLin Carter

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The Hastur Cycle

Inglés, 313 págs.
Antología colectiva, Dedicado
Chaosium (CHA6001), Oct 1993
ISBN: 9781568820095

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