▲Título▼ | ▲C▼ | ▲Año▼ | △V▼ | ▲Concepto▼ |
1950s Sinister Seeds (junto a Christopher Smith Adair, Brian Courtemanche, Tom Lynch y Matt Sanborn) |   | 2012 | — | Escritor |
Arcane Antiquities (junto a Bruce Ballon) |   | 2000 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 1: Field Trip (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 2: Back to School (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 3: Federated Oil and Chemical (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 4: Dark Delvings (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 5: Is That You, Mother? (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Chapter 6: Mission to the Moon (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis) |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
A Cleansing Flame |   | 2021 | — | Escritor |
Closed Casket (junto a Paul Carrick) |   | 1997 | — | Escritor |
The Colour of His Eyes (junto a Paul Carrick y David Conyers) |   | 2006 | — | Escritor |
Consumption |   | 2013 | — | Escritor |
Creatures of the Mythos ("Malleus Monstrorum") (junto a Marion Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Bruce Ballon et al.) |   | 2006 | — | Escritor |
Cult of One (junto a Paul Carrick) |   | 1997 | — | Escritor |
Dark and Deep |   | 2021 | — | Escritor |
The Dig |   | 2009 | — | Escritor |
Eye of the Beholder |   | 2021 | — | Escritor |
Forgotten Wars |   | 2012 | — | Escritor |
Frozen Footsteps |   | 2021 | — | Escritor |
Grab the Machete or: How I Learned to Stop Going Insane and Love 80s Horror Movies |   | 2020 | — | Escritor |
Introduction (to "Atomic-Age Cthulhu") |   | 2012 | — | Escritor |
Introduction (to "Doors to Darkness") |   | 2016 | — | Escritor |
Introduction (to "Strange Aeons II") |   | 2010 | — | Escritor |
The Keeper's List of Lists (junto a Paul Carrick) |  ? | 2002 | — | Escritor |
A Love in Need (junto a Paul Carrick) |   | 1997 | — | Escritor |