Apenas hay datos, debe de ser la esposa de Phil Anderson.
▲Título▼ | ▲C▼ | ▲Año▽ | ▲V▼ | ▲Concepto▼ |
Long Way From Home |   | 2018 | — | Escritora |
Deities of the Mythos ("Malleus Monstrorum") (junto a Phil Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Bruce Ballon et al.) |   | 2006 | — | Escritora |
Creatures of the Mythos ("Malleus Monstrorum") (junto a Scott David Aniolowski, Bruce Ballon, Bill Barton et al.) |   | 2006 | — | Escritora |
Animals (junto a Scott David Aniolowski, Sandy Petersen, Justin Schmid y Lynn Willis) |   | 2006 | — | Escritora |
Chapter 7: A Shock in the Lightest Night (junto a Phil Anderson, Janice Engan, Charles Engan y Mike Lay) |   | 1999 | — | Escritora |
Chapter 8: At the Mountains (junto a Phil Anderson, Janice Engan y Charles Engan) |   | 1999 | — | Escritora |
Appendices (to "Beyond the Mountains of Madness") (junto a Phil Anderson, Mike Blum, Janice Engan et al.) |   | 1999 | — | Escritora |
Deities of the Mythos ("The Creature Companion") (junto a Phil Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Shannon Appelcline et al.) |   | 1998 | — | Escritora |
Welcome! (junto a Mark Ryberg) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
The Sights of the City (junto a Mark Ryberg) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
People in Egypt (junto a Mark Ryberg) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Historical Timeline |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Going to Cairo (junto a Mark Ryberg) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Gods of Ancient Egypt |  ? | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Glossary |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Foreword (to "The Cairo Guidebook") |  ? | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Excursions from Cairo (junto a Mark Ryberg) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Creatures of the Mythos ("Ye Booke of Monstres II") (junto a Phil Anderson, Bill Barton, Fred Behrendt et al.) |   | 1995 | — | Escritora |
Rigid Air (junto a Phil Anderson) |   | 1991 | — | Escritora |
Little Cottage in the Wood (junto a Phil Anderson) |   | 1991 | — | Escritora |