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The Burrowers Beneath

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Los que acechan en el abismo 9 opiniones (Español)EDAF19926.006

0The Burrowers Beneath (cover art)Tim Kirk
1The Nethermost CavernsBrian Lumley
2Marvels Strange & TerrificBrian Lumley
3Cement surroundingsBrian Lumley7.00
4Cursed the GroundBrian Lumley
5Evil the MindBrian Lumley
6That Is Not DeadBrian Lumley
7Not From His Charnel ClayBrian Lumley
8Peaslee of MiskatonicBrian Lumley7.00
9The Night Sea-Maid Went DownBrian Lumley
10The Third VisitorBrian Lumley
11Horrors of EarthBrian Lumley
12Familiarity BreedsBrian Lumley
13The Very Worm That GnawsBrian Lumley
14Winds of DarknessBrian Lumley

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The Burrowers Beneath

Inglés, 208 págs.
Antología propia, Dedicado
Daw Books, Feb 1974
ISBN: 0586074279

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