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Listado de escenarios de rol cuya trama tiene lugar en la ciudad de Boston.

Obras asociadas
La bailarina rota2022Inicial
A Beginning Scenario for a Campaign 8 opiniones1981Inicial
The Book of Nonterraqueous2021Inicial
La casa de huéspedes de la calle Arkham 9 opiniones2009Inicial
The Curse of Tsathogghua19844.00Inicial
Death in Dunwich1983Inicial
The Haunting (aka The Haunted House)19817.33Inicial
The Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight1982Inicial
Mansion of Madness 1 opiniones19908.00Inicial
One in Darkness1989Inicial
Pickman's Model 12 opiniones19267.50Inicial
Pickman's Student1986Inicial
Thoth's Dagger19836.67Inicial
The Trail of Tsathogghua19845.00Inicial
Two Minutes On High1994Inicial
El viajero1998Inicial
Chapter one: The Inheritor1992Intermedia
Chapter two: The Benighted1992Intermedia
Chapter 4: Full Circle (1939)1995Intermedia
Perseguidores del más allá2022Intermedia
The Smokestack Horror2006Intermedia
Song of the Spheres19954.00Intermedia

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USA, Massachusetts
42º 21m 16s N
71º 3m 25s W
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