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Fatal Experiments

Fatal Experiments is a collection of three independent 1920's adventures for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. Two of the three scenarios are suitable for both beginning and experienced players, making this book a perfect companion for first-time buyers of the Call of Cthulhu game system. The remaining adventure is unusually dangerous -- to be played only by experienced, follhardy investigators.

Suplemento para Call of Cthulhu (4th Edition) (1989).

0Cover for "Fatal Experiments"Lee Gibbons
1Illustrations for "Fatal Experiments"Earl Geier
2New & Old Weapons for Call of CthulhuRussell Bullman, Bill Dunn, Lynn Willis
3Foldouts of Gun IllustrationsLynn Willis, Earl Geier
4TatterdemalionPenelope Love, Richard WattsKevin Ross8.00
5The Songs of FantariGregory W. Detwiler, Lynn Willis
6The Lurker in the CryptKurt Miller

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Fatal Experiments

Inglés, 132 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium (CHA2328), 1990
ISBN: 9780933635722

8.00, 4 dueños
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