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Investigadores Arkham Horror Files

Obras asociadas
Carolyn Fern (To Fight the Black Wind)2018Shane Pierce7.00Media
Gloria Goldberg, The Writer (Dark Revelations)2020Colin BoyerMedia
Hound of Tindalos / Daisy Walker2006John Matson7.00Media
Jenny Barnes, The Dilettante (Hour of the Huntress)2017Shane PierceMedia
The King in Yellow / Luke Robinson2006Katherine Dinger6.00Media
Lola Hayes, The Actress2013Magali Villeneuve7.00Media
M'Weru, Priestess of the Bloody Tongue / Akachi Onyele, The Shaman2005Henning LudvigsenMedia
Norman Withers (Ire of the Void)2017Shane Pierce7.00Media
Rita Jones / Rita Young2006Patrick McEvoyMedia
Roland Banks (The Dirge of Reason)2018Shane PierceMedia
Silas Marsh (The Deep Gate)2018Shane PierceMedia
Smite the Wicked2016Preston StoneBaja
To the Last Breath / Calvin Wright2004Andrew Johanson7.00Media
Agatha Crane, The Parapsychologist2016Magali VilleneuveMedia
Agnes Baker, The Waitress2014Magali Villeneuve7.00Media
Akachi Onyele, The Shaman2013Magali VilleneuveMedia
Amanda Sharpe, The Student2020Cristi BalanescuMedia
Ashcan Pete, The Drifter2016Jake MurrayMedia
Blackwood File Clerk / Mandy Thompson2004Katherine DingerMedia
Bob Jenkins, The Salesman2017Cristi BalanescuMedia
Brotherhood Acolyte / Lily Chen2006Patrick McEvoyMedia
Bury Them Deep2017Alexander KozachenkoBaja
Calvin Wright, The Haunted2018Cristi BalanescuMedia
Carolyn Fern, The Psychologist2016Cristi Balanescu7.00Media
Carson Sinclair, The Butler2016Magali VilleneuveMedia
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Investigadores Arkham Horror Files
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