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Festival - A Poem by H.P. Lovecraft (2018)

Richard Svensson 10 opinionesDirector

Cortometraje de acción real y animación stop-motion, basado en el poema Festival (1925) de H. P. Lovecraft.

The Lone Animator

This poem was first published as "Yuletide Horror" in Weird Tales December 1926, but has since then been included in various anthologies, mostly under its original title "Festival."

The critter at the end of the video is one of my favorite Lovecraftian monsters. It first appeared in Robert Bloch's excellent short story "Notebook Found In a Deserted House". Here's how it was illustrated by Matt Fox in the May issue of Weird Tales 1951. As you can see it's depicted as a quite traditional devilish creature, but with lots of limbs and mouths, as described in the tale.

It's actually described as a shoggoth in the story, but when gaming company Chaosium included various Lovecraftian monsters in their products they dubbed this creature a Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath instead, and they gave it it's now iconic look of an amorphous body, with stumpy hooved legs. Pretty much as Bloch envisioned it.

Festival - A Poem by H.P. Lovecraft - YouTube

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Festival - A Poem by H.P. Lovecraft

Inglés, 2018
Animación, Mitos

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