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Strange Tales of Dread and Wonder #2

Monográfico MULA (Miskatonic University Library Association).

Este suplemento recoge 3 escenarios ganadores del segundo concurso de La Llamada de Cthulhu organizado por Chaosium.

Three Adventures for Call of Cthulhu

This monograph is the result of our second Call of Cthulhu Adventure Contest. Three submissions were chosen this time around. WAR OF THE SPECTRES is a modern-day scenario reflecting the events of the day. Likewise, THE GLENDALE FAERIES is set in the modern-day, set in a quiet Cumbrian village. Finally, MADNESS OF THE BLACK OPAL is set in the 1920s and concerns a small Australian city on the southern coast named Adelaide.

0War of the Spectres 36 opinionesR.J. Christensen
1The Glendale FaeriesKev Dearn
2Madness of the Black OpalDavid Haddin

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Strange Tales of Dread and Wonder #2

Inglés, 69 págs.
Escenarios, La Llamada de Cthulhu
Chaosium Monograph (CHA#0330), Jul 2006
ISBN: 9781568822921

Sin votos, 3 dueños
Strange Tales of Dread and Wonder #2 69 Chaosium Monograph 9781568822921
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