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Démonomanie des sorciers

"Sobre la adoración demoníaca de las brujas": Volumen REAL publicado en 1580. Escrito por el monje Jean Bodin (1529-1596).

Démonomanie des Sorciers se encuentra en la misma linea de pensamiento que el Malleus Maleficarum, puesto que se trata de otro "martillo de brujas", un volumen pensado para ayudar a los jueces (inquisidores) a erradicar la brujería.

Jean Bodin (1529-1596), autor de "Démonomanie des sorciers".

"Those too who let the witches escape, or who do not punish them with the utmost rigor, may rest assured that they will be abandoned by God to the mercy of the witches. And the country which shall tolerate this will be scourged with pestilences, famines, and wars; and those which shall take vengeance on the witches will be blessed by him and will make his anger to cease. Therefore it is that one accused of being a witch ought never to be folly acquitted and set free unless the calumny of the accuser is clearer than the sun, in as much as the proof of such crimes is so obscure and so difficult that not one witch in a million would be accused or punished if the procedure were governed by the ordinary rules."

A efectos de juego, leer este volumen no produce pérdida alguna de cordura.

Obras asociadas
Forbidden Books1993Keith Herber, Kevin Ross, Lucya SzachnowskiMedia

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Démonomanie des sorciers

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