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The Shadow Out of Time (2013)

I.N.J. Culbard 5 opinionesIlustrador
I.N.J. Culbard 5 opinionesGuionista

Adaptación a cómic del relato The Shadow Out of Time (1935), de H.P. Lovecraft.

Their actions though harmless, horrified me even more than their appearance. Individual differences among them began to be manifest, and a few appeared to be under some kind of restraint.

These latter, though showing no physical variation, had a diversity of gestures and habits which marked them off not only from the majority, but they largely from one another.

The Shadow Out of Time 3 opinionesSelfMadeHeroJun 2013

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The Shadow Out of Time

Inglés, 2013
Cómic, Mitos

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