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The Diary of Alonzo Typer (2018)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador

"Portraits in the house", "Alonzo is about to meet his demise, but is still writing in his diary all the while" (imagen obra).

Ilustraciones basadas en el relato The Diary of Alonzo Typer (1935, Literatura) publicadas originalmente en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 17 - The Curse of Yig (2018).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 17 - The Curse of YigPS PublishingFeb 2018

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The Diary of Alonzo Typer

Inglés, 2018
Ilustración, Mitos

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