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The Dreams in the Witch House (2014)

Pete Von Sholly 2 opinionesIlustrador
'Hyperspace II'

"Walter Gilman arrives at the Witch House", "Brown Jenkin" (imagen obra), "Keziah summons Gilman", "The jump into hyperspace", "You may not be quite yourself in this metaphysical universe (Hyperspace I)", "On a planet with three suns, Gilman sees living Old Ones", "Gilman signs the Black Man's book", "Going somewhere?", "Brown Jenkin meets his doom as Gilman battles the witch", "Brown Jenkin's bones rest in the hollow space where Keziah's many victims ended up", "Hyperspace II" (imagen wiki).

Ilustraciones basadas en el relato The Dreams in the Witch House (1932, Literatura) publicadas originalmente en Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 2 - The Dreams in the Witch House (2014).

Pete Von Sholly's Lovecraft Illustrated 12 opinionesClover PressOct 2020
Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 2 - The Dreams in the Witch HousePS PublishingJun 2014

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The Dreams in the Witch House

Inglés, 2014
Ilustración, Mitos

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obra: Dreams in the Witch House (1932) ●●
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