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The Survivor and Others

Relatos escritos por August Derleth a partir de notas y apuntes de H. P. Lovecraft.

Otras ediciones
The Survivor and OthersBallantine BooksFeb 1971
The Survivor and OthersBallantine BooksAgo 1962

0Cover Art ("The Survivor and Others")Ronald Clyne
1The SurvivorAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft3.50
2Wentworth's DayAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft4.00
3The Peabody Heritage 13 opinionesAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft7.00
4The Gable Window 7 opinionesAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft6.00
5The AncestorAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft4.00
6The Shadow Out of SpaceAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft5.00
7The Lamp of AlhazredAugust Derleth, H. P. Lovecraft6.50

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The Survivor and Others

Inglés, 161 págs.
Antología propia, Dedicado
Arkham House, 1957

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The Survivor and Others 161 Arkham House
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