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H.P. Lovecraft - The Picture in the House

Lorraine Claude is fascinated with the morbid and weird. It is an interest she has turned into a profitable career as a publisher of lurid non-fiction. And the most recent novel from one of her most popular authors, Pytr Knoll has her captivated. The book deals with lurid events committed in lonely New England farmhouses since the days of the Puritans. Claude cannot get Knoll’s accounts out of her mind, and she decides to take a weekend drive into the New England country and explore one of these farmhouses for herself.

Publicado originalmente como Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft: The Picture in the House (Tome Press, 1993). Adaptación del relato The Picture in the House del escritor Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Esta edición incluye el relato original.

0The Picture in the HouseRob Davis, Stephen Philip Jones
1The Picture in the House 10 opinionesH. P. Lovecraft6.67

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H.P. Lovecraft - The Picture in the House

Inglés, 48 págs.
Cómic, Dedicado
Caliber Comics, 2016
ISBN: 9781942351597

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H.P. Lovecraft - The Picture in the House 48 Caliber Comics 9781942351597
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