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Los locos años 20, época habitual de los juegos de rol lovecraftianos.

Obras asociadas
The Vanishing Conjurer1983Mike Lewis, Simon Price, Ian CookeMedia
Thoth's Dagger1983William J. Hamblin6.67Media
The Secret of Castronegro1983Sandy Petersen, Mark Pettigrew7.33Media
The Rescue1983Lynn Willis6.00Media
Pursuit to Kadath 1 opiniones1983Bob Gallagher3.00Media
Paper Chase1983John Sullivan4.67Media
The Mystery of Loch Feinn1983Glenn A. Rahman8.00Media
The Mauretania1983M.B. Willner6.50Media
The Madman1983Mark Harmon5.00Media
Act I - Into the Throat of the Beast1983John Diaper, Bob Gallagher, Steve Rawling, Ed WimbleMedia
Gate from the Past1983John Scott Clegg3.50Media
Death in Dunwich1983Ed WimbleMedia
Black Devil Mountain 1 opiniones1983David A. Hargrave0.50Media
The Auction1983Randy McCall7.33Media
The Asylum1983Randy McCall6.00Media
Act III - And the Dogs Shall Know You1983John Diaper, Bob Gallagher, Steve Rawling, Ed WimbleMedia
All Seeing Eye of the Alskali 2 opiniones1983E.S. Erkes3.00Media
The Worm that Walks1982Sandy PetersenMedia
The Watchers of Easter Island1982Randy McCallMedia
The Warren1982Ed Gore7.00Media
The Underground Menace1982Sandy PetersenMedia
The Rise of R'lyeh1982Sandy PetersenMedia
The People of the Monolith1982Ted SheltonMedia
Look to the Future1982Sandy PetersenMedia
The Hermetic Order of the Silver Twilight1982Marc HutchisonMedia
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