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Brian M. Sammons

A Whole Pack of Trouble2021Escritor
The Watchers2021Escritor
Visions from Beyond2021Escritor
Frozen Footsteps2021Escritor
Eye of the Beholder2021Escritor
Dark and Deep2021Escritor
A Cleansing Flame2021Escritor
Grab the Machete or: How I Learned to Stop Going Insane and Love 80s Horror Movies2020Escritor
The Treader of the Stars (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass)2019Escritor
The Special Menu (junto a Adam Gauntlett)2018Escritor
Not with a bang, but a scream2017Escritor
None More Black2016Escritor
The Mark of Evil (junto a Simon Brake, Davide Como, Scott Dorward et al.)2016Escritor
Introduction (to "Doors to Darkness")2016Escritor
Forget Me Not 28 opiniones20166.00Escritor
Chapter 6: Mission to the Moon (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
Chapter 5: Is That You, Mother? (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
Chapter 4: Dark Delvings (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
Chapter 3: Federated Oil and Chemical (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
Chapter 2: Back to School (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
Chapter 1: Field Trip (junto a Glynn Owen Barrass, Lynne Hardy, Mike Mason y Charles P. Zaglanis)2016Escritor
The Plawson Tapes2014Escritor
The Terror From the Museum2013Escritor
Nameless City, Nameless Terrors2013Escritor
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Brian Sammons

EE.UU., Varón
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