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Michael Komarck


I was born in Louisiana and relocated to Michigan at a very young age. As the years passed, I transitioned from crayons to pencils to acrylics to oils, and In 1989 I found myself at a community college where my suspicions that I was better off self-taught in art where proven correct almost immediately. My stint there was brief in the extreme.

After several years as a projectionist at the local Cineplex, I co-founded a small publishing company. However, with the exception of illustrating several children's books, the majority of my time was spent designing business cards, ads, and eventually web related materials (mostly Flash animation). It was during this period that I was introduced to Photoshop and ultimately replaced my oils with digital paint. Eventually I left to pursue a career as a full time illustrator. I spent a couple years building a portfolio while designing business/self-help book covers to pay the bills.

In 2003 I was offered cover work for authors including Robert Asprin and George R.R. Martin. This ultimately opened the door for me to work with many of the outstanding companies.

I live in Michigan with my Wife Jennifer, and Son Reese.

Horns of the Black Goat2004Ilustrador
Dimensional Shambler20067.00Ilustrador
The Horror of the Past20047.00Ilustrador
Spawn of Cthulhu20057.00Ilustrador
Dreams of Kingsport20048.00Ilustrador
Forgotten Sepulchre20048.00Ilustrador
The Great Summoning20058.00Ilustrador
Star-Summoned Dhole20048.00Ilustrador
Cover Art ("The Art of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos")20069.00Ilustrador

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Michael Komarck
EE.UU., Varón
¿? — ¿?

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