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Enter the Gaijin (2006)

Simon YeeEscritor

A SECRETS OF JAPAN SCENARIO BY SIMON YEE. It is Halloween night and instead of waiting at your door for local kids to do trick or treat the you end up working the holiday on an emergency call. You are summoned to the Arkham Hospital morgue to help in the investigation of the ‘Trick or Treat’ home invasion and bank robbery case. Earlier in the day, three of the gang members were killed after fleeing the scene of a recent bank hold up at the new Arkham Centurion Bank. Investigators will know that nine homes and two banks have been robbed at gun point this past month by this gang and that four of the families from the nine homes were brutally murdered.

Escenario para Secrets of Japan (2005, Chaosium).

Halloween Horror 2 - Eight Horrors for One Special NightChaosium MonographOct 2006

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Enter the Gaijin

Inglés, 2006
Escenario, La Llamada de Cthulhu

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Comunidad de Inteligencia de los Estados Unidos ●●
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