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La llamada de Cthulhu (2013)

Ernest RieraTraductor

The Call of Cthulhu (2011, inglés)

Matt BrookerIlustrador
Ian EdgintonGuionista

Adaptación a cómic del relato The Call of Cthulhu (1926), de H.P. Lovecraft.


"From the yawning depths of that poison city, it emerged. The thing of the idols. The spawn of the stars, awakened to claim its own."

Viñeta de "The Call of Cthulhu" de Matt Brooker

"...while others were lost, swallowed by acute angles of alien architecture."

Lovecraft: La antología gráfica 11 opinionesNorma EditorialDic 2013

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La llamada de Cthulhu
Español, 2013

The Call of Cthulhu
Inglés, 2011
Cómic, Mitos

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