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El Candidato (2000)

Domingo Santos 5 opinionesTraductor

The Candidate (1965, inglés)

Lin Carter 14 opinionesEscritor

Poema XXIII del ciclo Dreams of R'lyeh. Publicado originalmente en marzo de 1965 en el fanzine Amra.


Down the dark street of monoliths I passed.

The shambling, faceless figure of my Guide

A voiceless thing that beckoned at my side.

And to the dreaded Gate I came at last.

Before the silent Guardian I made

The black unhallowed Sacrifice, and spoke

Names at whose sound forgotten echoes woke.

The portals gaped. I entered unafraid.

Fate, or my stars, or some accursed pride

Had brought me here. Naked, I stood alone

And took the Vow before the Elder Throne—

He laughed, and drew His tattered mantle wide—

O do not seek to learn nor ever ask

What horror hides behind … The Pallid Mask!

La Saga de Hastur 1 opinionesLa Factoría de IdeasNov 2000

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El Candidato
Español, 2000

The Candidate
Inglés, 1965
Poesía, Mitos

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