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El canal (2009)

Héctor LordaTraductor

The Canal (1934, inglés)

H. P. Lovecraft 108 opinionesEscritor

XXIV. The Canal

Where tall, deserted buildings crowd along

A deep, black, narrow channel, reeking strong

Of frightful things whence oily currents race.

Lanes with old walls half meeting overhead

Wind off to streets one may or may not know,

And feeble moonlight sheds a spectral glow

Over long rows of windows, dark and dead.

Is of the oily water as it glides

Under stone bridges, and along the sides

Of its deep flume, to some vague ocean bound.

None lives to tell when that stream washed away

Its dream-lost region from the world of clay.

La guarida del horror 1 opinionesPanini Comics2009

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El canal
Español, 2009

The Canal
Inglés, 1934
Poesía, Relacionado

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