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H.P.L. (1959)

Clark Ashton Smith 35 opinionesEscritor

Outside the time-dimension, and outside

The ever-changing spheres and shifting spaces -

Though the mad planet and its wrangling races

This moment be destroyed - he shall abide

And on immortal quests and errands ride

In cryptic service to the kings of Pnath,

Herald or spy, on the many-spangled path

With gulfs below, with muffled gods for guide.

Some echo of his voice, some vanished word

Follows the light with equal speed, and spans

The star-set limits of the universe,

Returning and returning, to be heard

When all the present worlds and spheres disperse,

In other Spicas, other Aldebarans.

The Shuttered Room and Other PiecesArkham House1959

Obras derivadas
H. P. L.1998Español
H.P.L.Óscar Mariscal2010Español

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Inglés, 1959
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