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Los familiares (2011)

Luis GámezTraductor

The Familiars (1930, inglés)

H. P. Lovecraft 108 opinionesEscritor

XXVI. The Familiars

Up where the hills began to huddle thick;

We never thought his wits were very quick,

Seeing the way he let his farm run down.

He used to waste his time on some queer books

He’d found around the attic of his place,

Till funny lines got creased into his face,

And folks all said they didn’t like his looks.

He’d better be locked up away from harm,

So three men from the Aylesbury town farm

Went for him—but came back alone and scared.

They’d found him talking to two crouching things

That at their step flew off on great black wings.

Hongos de Yuggoth 2 opinionesCangrejo Pistolero EdicionesSep 2011

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Los familiares
Español, 2011

The Familiars
Inglés, 1930
Poesía, Relacionado

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