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Adam Scott Glancy

Director de Pagan Publishing.

PX Poker Night (junto a Dennis Detwiller)2020Escritor
The Schism (junto a Dennis Detwiller y Shane Ivey)2017Escritor
The Past (junto a Dennis Detwiller, Ken Hite, Shane Ivey y Greg Stolze)2017Escritor
Glossary (junto a Shane Ivey)2016Escritor
Passing the Torch2015Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 109: Alphonse's Axioms for Agents)2013Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 108: Tradecraft Meets Lovecraft)2012Escritor
Feature Articles: The Assassins (junto a David A. Hardy)2011Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 107: Firing the Canon)2011Escritor
Delta Green: Ecran de Jeu (junto a Dennis Detwiller)2011Escritor
M-Epic (junto a Warren Banks, Adam Crossingham y Todd Shearer)2010Escritor
Disciples of the Worm (junto a Todd Shearer)2010Escritor
The DeMonte Clan (junto a Todd Shearer)2010Escritor
The Cult of Trascendence (junto a Ken Hite, Todd Shearer y Greg Stolze)2010Escritor
Holy War (junto a Dennis Detwiller)2007Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 104: No Gold Watch - Retiring from Delta Green)2006Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 103: Kicking Ass for the Lord)2005Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 102: Conspiracy With a Little ‘C’)2005Escritor
Directives from A-Cell (Directive 101: New Foreign Intelligence Agency Threats to Delta Green) 11 opiniones2004Escritor
PX Poker Night (junto a Dennis Detwiller)2002Escritor
Once More, from the Top 1 opiniones20016.00Escritor
Tiger Transit (junto a Toren Atkinson y John Tynes)1999Escritor
The Skoptsi (junto a Heather Hudson)1999Escritor
PISCES: The Insects from Shaggai (junto a Heather Hudson, Davide Mana y Graeme Price)1999Escritor
PISCES: The Army of the Third Eye (junto a Heather Hudson)1999Escritor
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Adam Scott Glancy

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