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The Shadow from the Steeple (1950)

Robert BlochEscritor

Lovecraft Illustrated Volume 11 - The Haunter of the DarkPS PublishingOct 2016
Mysteries of the Worm - New Second Edition Revised and ExpandedChaosiumNov 1993
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos 1 opinionesArkham House1990
Mysteries of the WormZebra Books / Kensington Publishing Corp.1981
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2Panther1975
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos: Volume 2Ballantine Books1973
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos Volume 2Beagle Boxer1971
Tales of the Cthulhu MythosArkham House1969

Obras derivadas
La sombra del campanarioP. Castillo1968Español
La sombra que huyó del chapitelRafael Llopis Paret1969Español
La sombra que huyó del chapitelFrancisco Torres Oliver1977Español

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The Shadow from the Steeple
Inglés, 1950
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Nyarlathotep 2 opiniones ●●●
Lovecraft ●●
obra: The Haunter of the Dark (1935) ●●
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