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The Hillgrove Horror (2006)

Bayne MacGregorEscritor

Wherein the curious may learn altogether more than they wished about the basis of certain witch-lore, the perils of drink spiking and hallucinogenic drugs, the propagation of various dangerous texts, the habits of isolated decadent rural populations, the dangers of listening to or ignoring buzzing sounds in the woods and the horrific reproductions of inhuman things.

Strange Tales of Dread and Wonder #1Chaosium MonographJul 2006

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The Hillgrove Horror

Inglés, 2006
Escenario, La Llamada de Cthulhu

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1920s ●●
ambiente rural ●●
Hongos de Yuggoth (Mi-Go) ●●
Shub-Niggurath ●●
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